10 Useful Books for Achieving Your Goals in 2023

Setting goals is good. Any book on self-development, management, economics and marketing will tell you this. Often, most of us have no problem setting goals, but when it comes to implementation, we all suddenly turn into deaf-blind people who do not know how to get from point A to point B. If you are one of those who set a goal, but has been shelving its achievement for several years, this selection of books is for you.
This Year I Will… How to Finally Change a Habit, Keep Resolution, or Make a Dream Come True by M.J. Ryan
The book is about how not to be afraid of change and find your own "formula for success" in order to make your life better, achieve your goals and implement your plans. It is about how to find a starting point from which positive changes become permanent and dreams become reality. This book is for anyone who wants to change their habits, start making promises to themselves, and make a difference in their lives. The author gives many examples from the lives of clients and acquaintances, illustrating various situations, gives advice and offers practical exercises to achieve their goals.
52 Mondays: The One Year Path to Outrageous Success & Lifelong Happiness by Vic Johnson
According to Vic Johnson, a lot can be done in a year if you set yourself a goal and steadily move towards it. True, there are several secrets, and the author willingly introduces the reader to them, telling how week after week to achieve his dream. Of course, it is not so easy to dedicate a year of your life to achieving what you want; this decision is responsible and will require a lot of patience from you. But if you are strong in spirit, persistent, diligent and conscientious, consider that the world is in your pocket! The main thing is not to give up and step by step, week by week, move towards your goal.
Poke the Box: When was the last time you did something for the first time? by Seth Godin
When was the last time you started something really new? New business? New project? If you have been doing this for a long time, if the fear of failure stops you, or if you don’t understand how to approach this, then “Try it - it will work!” is a book for you. Often, not daring to take the first step, we forget that all good companies, ideas and products are created by those who constantly experiment and go beyond the “comfort zone”. The implementation of any project is always fraught with risks, but if you are doing something that you have a soul for, you should not be afraid of failure. Sooner or later, you will definitely succeed. Seth Godin, best-selling business author, brilliant blogger, and successful entrepreneur, encourages you to step outside the box and take the lead. He shows how to start a new business, changing for the better not only your life, but the whole world.
12 Week Year by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington
An excellent book on self-development and personal growth for those who beat their heads against the ice, trying in vain to reconcile their ambitions with reality. The authors are sure: everything is in our hands. In their opinion, you can manage to live fully without stress and eternal haste. To do this, it is enough to become effective and learn how to set goals correctly.
The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal
This self-development book provides evidence-based advice on how to learn to achieve your goals with the help of developed willpower. In ten chapters, the author analyzes ten key factors that affect the ability to go to the intended goal, and gives practical advice on how to use them to your advantage. The book will live up to expectations if you do not just read it, but put the advice into practice.
First Say No by Jim Camp
A classic of business literature recommended by all leading Russian experts and business coaches. This is a kind of guide to winning negotiations. Those who read this book acquire super strength - the ability to withstand a strong opponent who uses pressure and manipulation in negotiations.
To hell with it! Take it and do it! by Richard Branson
Richard Branson is a successful entrepreneur and founder of the world famous record company Virgin. Since childhood, he was not afraid to discover the world for himself and embody his ideas. Starting in his youth with the creation of a student newspaper, he later realized many of his ideas, which turned into profitable businesses. In the book, the author shares his views on life and the secrets of success, one of which is to always find more reasons to try and do something than to refuse.
The Subconscious Mind can do Anything by John Kehoe
One of the most worthwhile books on self-development, at least because the author writes about what he himself experienced. John Kehoe lived in almost complete seclusion for three years in order to learn the power of his subconscious. Reworking his experience, he wrote four books, the last of which became the most famous. The author's ideas about the power of positive thinking, the energy of directed thoughts and many others have changed the lives of thousands of people around the world.
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Change your life. “21 Ways to Increase Personal Effectiveness.” by Brian Tracy
Reading books for self-development without pursuing a specific goal is unproductive. It is better to solve problems that you really care about. This book is useful for those who do not have time to do anything and want to lengthen the day by three hours. The author will show you that the point is not the amount of time, but the art of managing it correctly.
“I want and I will” by Michail Labkovskiy
A popular media psychologist has written a book in which he offers people what they are always waiting for: a simple recipe for happiness, made up of six basic principles. According to the author, not everyone is ready to work for a long time on their self-development and step by step closer to harmony and well-being.
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