Happy Constitution Day of Slovakia!

Every year on September 1, the Constitution Day was formed in Slovakia. This holiday is established in the country in honor of the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic in 1992 in Bratislava.
Slovakia today is a unitary independent parliamentary republic. The country gained independence after the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics collapsed on January 1, 1993, formed in turn after the collapse of Czechoslovakia as a Union of States.
After Austria, Slovakia has the largest natural freshwater resources. These are mainly underground reserves of Zhitny Island. This river island is located in the southwestern part of the state and extends from Bratislava to Komarno in the territory of Kisalföld. The only skyline in the world showing the exact solar time is located in the Slovak Stara Bystrica. This is due to the peculiar unique geography of the area.
The country is famous for its unique wooden attractions, including the monumental 8.3-meter Bethlehem with moving figures. It was created over 15 years and is located in the House of Mercy in Raetskaya Lesna.
The Constitution is the main document of Slovakia. The Slovaks treated its creation and implementation with traditional care and respect. Now the Constitution of Slovakia consists of a preamble and nine chapters, divided into sections and separate articles. As in the constitutions of other countries of the world, the Constitution of Slovakia affirms the fundamental rights and freedoms of a person, declares the independence and sovereignty of the state. A feature of the Slovak constitution is its environmental orientation: its entire section is devoted to environmental human rights.
Since 1993, festive events dedicated to this historical moment have been organized and held throughout the country every year. Various fairs are traditional, where everyone can, for example, buy handicrafts. Also on this day, music festivals and concerts are held in different cities of the country.
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