Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Independence Day of Kazakhstan is the most important national holiday of the country, which is celebrated annually on December 16.
This date was not chosen by chance: it was on December 16, 1991 that the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan adopted a law proclaiming the independence and sovereignty of the republic. Kazakhstan became the last republic in the post-Soviet space to declare its independence after the collapse of the USSR.
The celebration of Independence Day is accompanied by mass public festivities throughout the country. It has become a tradition to present awards to outstanding figures in culture, art, sports and politics. Amnesties are also often declared for those convicted of unintentional and minor crimes, including women and minors. Festive events, concerts, salutes and fireworks are held in many cities of Kazakhstan.
Despite its youth as an independent state, Kazakhstan has made significant progress in state reform. A bicameral Parliament was created in the country, a judicial system was formed, and a new capital appeared. The Armed Forces, the Republican Guard, border troops, and the navy were established.
Kazakhstan's economic system has undergone radical changes, becoming a market economy and integrated into the global economy. The country is a leader among the CIS and Eastern European countries in terms of the volume of foreign investment attracted. Important social and pension reforms were carried out. Kazakhstan also voluntarily renounced nuclear weapons, declaring itself a non-nuclear power.
In foreign policy, Kazakhstan is actively strengthening its sovereignty and independence. The country has established diplomatic relations with more than 120 states and participates in the work of influential international organizations: the UN, the European Union, the IMF, the EBRD, the IAEA, the Red Cross, UNICEF and UNESCO. Kazakhstan is a party to more than 40 multilateral and 700 bilateral agreements.
Today, Kazakhstan confidently takes its place on the world stage and is recognized as a significant player in the global economic system.
Dear compatriots! The administration of the Astana Tower business center congratulates you on the main national holiday of the country - Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! May this great holiday always give us strong strength and faith to begin bright achievements on the path of goodness of our Motherland and the happy life of future generations!
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